The VFW Auxiliary offers cancer grants to members who are battling cancer.
Eligibility requirements:
-Appliacant must be a member of the VFW Auxiliary for (1) full year.
-Current dues must be paid before applying for a cancer grant.
-After twelve (12) months have passed from Date of diagnosis or last treatment, application will not be acepted.
-A member is allowed two (2) grants during a lifetime. Twelve (12) months must elapse betweem new diagnosis and/or treament from date of first grant for a second application to be considereed. Continuous treatment which lasts beyond the the (12) month period will qualify for a second grant.
-Application will be rejected if member has been deceased for longer than 30 days.
The grant amount is currently $550.00 and funds are paid directly to the member or, in the case of a deceased member, to their estate.
Funds are dispersed 2-4 weeks following the acceptance and approval of the completed and signed application. Please read the instrutions carefully before submitting an application. The most common reason an application is denied is due to missing information from either the member or physician.
Fill out and mail in completed appication to address on application.